Friday, March 25, 2011

Some headlines from Egypt

As the dear reader might have noticed the activity on this blog has been decreasing - the reason is not that Egypt has overnight become an immaculate democracy (not even one of Putin style), unfortunately not. Simply: I have been caught up in my research and some other apolitical things (private life if you want so...), as this might not gonna change soon I at least wanted to point out to you the most important developments:

On Wednesday the government under Prime Minister Sharaf has passed a law prohibiting protest and strikes at large. Some of the Tahrir people might regret now having welcomed Sharaf so warmly when he substituted the hated Shafiq....and of course protests against the no-protest-law have already been called for...

Those students who had been demonstrating by the means of a peaceful sit-in had had the chance to gain an idea of what this new style of government and army might look like: on Wednesday the military cracked down on protestors, which instantly triggered the condemnation of certain human rights groups...Yet there still seems to be some hope: in reaction to this event much larger numbers turned out on Thursday to maintain the protest at university.

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