Friday, November 25, 2011

Some good articles and impressive pictures

Cairo -based reporter Nate Wright describes what the truce looked like in practice, depicting an incident where the situation nearly escalated but could be reigned in in the last minute: Crowdsourcing the truce

Another awesome piece by Nate Wright pointing out that the violence in Sharia Mohammed Mahmoud was sustained by protesters, and accusing the SCAF for failing to defuse the situation early on: Violence in the new revolution

BBC's Wyre Davies summing up the events and describing the tense and ambiguous situation on Wednesday night:
Unrest continues near Cairo's Tahrir Square

Al Ahram posted a video that clearly shows it was police who broke the truce on Wednesday.
An article on the nature of police-society relations in Egypt, the role the police and individual officers find themselves in post- January 25:
Egypt police struggle to regain pride on still-skimpy salaries

A caricature showing a "November martyr" meeting a "January martyr" (that's what the capture says), one of them telling the other (approximately): "Don't worry, they will get our rights for us." 

A photo showing Midan Tahrir this morning during prayer time.

An article about the arrestment of Mona ElTahawy, a well-known Egyptian-American journalist who was arrested, beaten, severly injured and harassed by security forces: Prominent columnist briefly detained

A non-professional article summing up the events and providing some links to footage and reports by human rights organizations accusing the most recent HR violations

And of course I recommend as usual The Arabist. He is up to date, concise, analytically sharp, and just has a very good grasp of the country and its woes. His chart displaying the current positions of various political actors in regards to the protesters' demands is brilliant.

If you have your own recommendations to add, please comment, or send me an email with the respective links.

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